Today marks a campaign milestone - we crossed $10,000! Thank you everyone for your amazing support. You are an integral part of CogniTea's beginning and I am so glad you get to come along for the ride as we grow!
Last week we partnered with LeanBox (@eatlean) and distributed samples to offices throughout Boston! Amazon, Wayfair, and Intrepid Labs were among the lucky ones.
Today we attended the Cynergy CrossFit competition which was an event for Law Enforcement personnel and their families. The turn out was awesome and CogniTea gave the competitors a boost of Productive Energy!
We are now heading towards our $15,000 stretch goal! We need your help to get there. Please share CogniTea with one friend you have not yet shared it with. You can use this link: bit.ly/1jM25LH
If you use Twitter please copy and paste this tweet:
@Cognitea passed its $10,000 stretch goal! Help hit the next goal of $15k! bit.ly/1jM25LH #mental #clarity #tea #Organic
Thank you again for all your support and stay tuned!
- Alex & the CogniTea team